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AgREN Newsletter No 51



Many thanks to all of you who took the time to share your thoughts with AgREN about possible future activities. We have incorporated many of those ideas in a proposal for continued support for AgREN and we are currently awaiting a decision.

Because of the uncertainty about funding, we are not conducting an e-mail discussion at this time, but assuming we receive a favourable decision and AgREN continues, we will be seeking your views on appropriate topics for further email discussions.

One of the keys to AgREN’s continued success is its ability to offer in-depth analysis from the ‘front lines’ of pro-poor agricultural research and extension. The current issue is an excellent example of the range of subjects and the high quality of analysis that AgREN attracts. It includes examinations of two very different extension strategies (a private effort in south India and farmer field schools in Vietnam) and two detailed cases of innovative research efforts (participatory plant breeding in Honduras and the application of indigenous technical knowledge in Uganda). AgREN is slowly expanding its net and capturing a wider range of papers; all AgREN members should consider how they can contribute to this effort at providing reliable, objective commentary on rural development issues.

The AgREN Newsletter continues to grow as well, and AgREN members are increasingly seeing this as an excellent opportunity for reporting work in progress (some of which will eventually be reported in full papers). The Newsletter welcomes your  contributions.