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ODI Europe

Find out more about our analysis, ideas and proposals to inform European external policies and new forms of regional and global cooperation.

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The night lights of Europe (as seen from space)

Browse all our Europe content

  1. Poorest countries should not be sidelined in the UK’s new approach to global trade

    Press Release

  2. Post-Brexit trade policy and development: current developments; new directions?

    Briefing/policy paper

  3. The proposed new European Consensus on Development: has the European Commission got it right?

    Briefing/policy paper

  4. Trade and developing economies: a post-Brexit blueprint


  5. Principles, constraints and elements of a UK trade policy for developing countries

    Briefing/policy paper

  6. The European Union Trust Fund for Africa: a glimpse of the future for EU development cooperation

    Research report

  7. Scotland’s role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals


  8. International trade: redefining Britain's role in the world


  9. Brexit: implications for climate change commitments

    Briefing/policy paper

  10. Restrictive policies in Europe and Australia leading to erosion of refugee protection on global scale – new report

    Press Release

  11. MEDIA NOTE: United Nations migration summit – reaction quote and expert available

    Press Release

  12. Refugees and migrants taking hidden routes as Europe spends at least €17 billion on borders and deterrents - new report

    Press Release

  13. Closing borders: the ripple effects of Australian and European refugee policy. Case studies from Indonesia, Kenya and Jordan

    Research report

  14. Refugees and migrants: a new global response


  15. Europe’s refugees and migrants: hidden flows, tightened borders and spiralling costs

    Research report

  16. Untangling the data: assessing the accuracy of official refugee-related costs in Europe

    Research report

  17. The impact of the UK's post-Brexit trade policy on development

    Briefing/policy paper

  18. Poorest developing countries stand to lose up to €385 million annually without UK trade deals post-Brexit

    Press Release

  19. Looking to Germany's G20: stemming protectionism and austerity

    Briefing/policy paper

  20. MEDIA NOTE: G20 fail to set deadline for fossil fuel subsidies phase-out – ODI statement and expert available

    Press Release