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Zambia Food Security Issues Paper

Working paper

Working paper

Zambia recorded a maize deficit during the 2001/2002-production season. Though there were surpluses in other crops, its food security situation is serious; whichever measure of food security one uses. The average percentage of household income that is spent on food is rising, indicating that Zambia households are finding it increasingly difficult to feed themselves (UNDP 2000). Chronic malnutrition (stunting) has affected about 45 to 47 percent of the rural households, whilst malnutrition (wasting) has inflicted about 6 percent of all rural households. The high level of poverty in Zambia has largely contributed to malnutrition especially among young children. The vicious cycle of malnutrition exacerbated by poverty has negative effects on human and socio-economic development for the country. The consequences of poor nutrition are stunted mental and physical growth and development, poor health, poor reproductive performance, reduced productivity and potential, and increased risk of poverty.

Kalinda, T., Maimbo, F. and Mushimba, M.