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Foreign policy

  1. Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform and development

    Research report

  2. The role of handicrafts exports: Problems and prospects, based on Indian experience

    Working paper

  3. The impact of IMF stabilisation programmes in developing countries

    Working paper

  4. British aid administration and the Central Policy Review Staff report

    Briefing/policy paper

  5. Foreign Direct Investment, Income Inequality and Poverty: Experiences and Policy Implications

    Book/book chapter

  6. The Tokyo Round and the developing countries

    Briefing/policy paper

  7. Economic crisis in the Arab world

    Briefing/policy paper

  8. Human Settlements and their place in development

    Briefing/policy paper

  9. Developing Countries: Victims or Participants Their Changing Role in International Negotiations

    Book/book chapter

  10. The US and international financial reform

    Briefing/policy paper

  11. International relations in 2030: The transforming power of large developing countries

    Working paper

  12. Aid coordination

    Briefing/policy paper

  13. Economic prospects for Namibia

    Briefing/policy paper

  14. The government's aid plans and the Pearson target


  15. Disasters


  16. The International Aid System 2005-2010: Forces For and Against Change

    Working paper

  17. The slump of 1980 and the third world

    Briefing/policy paper

  18. Spring Package and Council Conclusions 2010 comparison

    Research report

  19. The Sahel: Problems and prospects

    Briefing/policy paper

  20. Colombia, 1970-85: Management and consequences of two large external shocks

    Working paper