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Evidence and analysis that matter for people and the planet

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  1. ‘I didn’t know anything!’: GAGE midline findings on the sexual and reproductive health of vulnerable young people in Jordan

    Research report

  2. Better humanitarian responses to SRHR in crises: mapping the architecture for change

    Meeting/conference report

  3. Sexual and reproductive health, information and services: opportunities and challenges for marginalised young people in Jordan

    Briefing/policy paper

  4. Sex, health and rights in displacement and humanitarian response: crises upon crises in Lebanon and beyond

    Case/country study

  5. Tackling the ‘culture of silence' to improve adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Jordan

    Briefing/policy paper

  6. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health for out-of-school youth: lessons from a pilot intervention with young people with disabilities in Ethiopia

    Briefing/policy paper

  7. ‘There is no single day I am relaxed in my heart’: GAGE findings on the lives of adolescent mothers

    Briefing/policy paper

  8. Beyond survival: exploring wellbeing in humanitarian action

    Literature review

  9. Young women involved in commercial sex work in urban Ethiopia: experiences, drivers and implications for sexual and reproductive health policy and programming

    Briefing/policy paper

  10. Reproductive justice, sexual rights and bodily autonomy in humanitarian action: what a justice lens brings to crisis response

    Working paper

  11. Changing gender norms in displacement: Venezuelans in Bogotá, Cúcuta and Pasto, Colombia

    Working paper

  12. Rethinking climate change through a gender and adolescent lens in Ethiopia

    Journal issue/article

  13. ‘We Have No Hope for Anything’: Exploring Interconnected Economic, Social and Environmental Risks to Adolescents in Lebanon

    Journal issue/article

  14. Compounding inequalities: Adolescent psychosocial wellbeing and resilience among refugee and host communities in Jordan during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Journal issue/article

  15. Exploring the diversity of FGM/C practices in Ethiopia. Drivers, experiences and opportunities for social norm change

    Research report

  16. Overview of Kenya–China bilateral trade

    Briefing/policy paper

  17. Overview of UK–Kenya bilateral trade

    Briefing/policy paper

  18. Overview of trade between Kenya and the European Union

    Briefing/policy paper

  19. Overview of trade between Kenya and the rest of Africa (ROA)

    Briefing/policy paper

  20. Promoting Kenyan exports: a country- and product-specific analysis

    Briefing/policy paper