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Mairi Dupar

Senior Technical Advisor

  • Global Risks and Resilience
Portrait of Mairi Dupar

Mairi is a Senior Analyst in the Global Risks and Resilience Programme, with particular expertise in climate risk management and ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change.

She works with colleagues in Africa, South Asia and Latin America on policies to enhance and restore ecosystem functions for nature and people, as part of a holistic approach to implementing the Paris Agreement on climate change. She has also worked extensively on social inclusion, especially the rights of women and historically disadvantaged groups in climate policies and investments.

Mairi has worked at ODI since 2010, serving as Coordinator then Head of Knowledge Management for the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), and now as Senior Technical Advisor. Mairi also serves as the Technical Lead of the Knowledge Hub for the Gender Equality in a Low Carbon World (GLOW) programme.

Mairi provides research support for the Climate Ambition Support Alliance (CASA). CASA works to amplify the voice and influence and defend the interests of small island states and least developed countries in the international climate change negotiations. She recently completed work on two major OECS Commission-backed initiatives, to enhance forecast-based early action, and climate resilience in cities, in the Caribbean.

Before joining ODI, Mairi worked as a Senior Research Associate at the World Resources Institute. She was also a Campaign Coordinator and science writer at RSPB/BirdLife, working especially on tropical forest restoration, renewable energy and marine conservation.

Mairi at ODI

  1. Climate change, conflict and fragility: an evidence review and recommendations for research and action

    Research report

  2. IPCC’s Climate Change and Land report: how we can shape a healthier planet


  3. Let’s talk climate change: four tips for communicating about it


  4. A real accelerator for achieving climate goals


  5. How are countries getting ready to implement NDCs?


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