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Our research and policy engagement challenges established thinking on how to manage global migration and protect people affected by displacement.

  1. The UK’s Covid-19 response can become a defining moment for changing our approach to refugees


  2. Exploring the impacts of Covid-19 on adolescents in Jordan’s refugee camps and host communities

    Briefing/policy paper

  3. Public narratives and attitudes towards refugees and other migrants: Sweden country profile

    Case/country study

  4. Less gratitude, please. How Covid-19 reveals the need for migration reform


  5. Achieving durable solutions by including displacement-affected communities in peacebuilding

    Briefing/policy paper

  6. ODI Comment on UK Immigration Bill

    Press Release

  7. Strengthening coordinated education planning and response in crises: global analysis framework

    Research report

  8. Moving forward on gender, livelihoods and financing: submission to UN High-Level Panel on internal displacement

    Briefing/policy paper

  9. ‘How will my life be?’: psychosocial well-being among Rohingya and Bangladeshi adolescents in Cox’s Bazar

    Briefing/policy paper

  10. ‘I don’t have any aspiration because I couldn’t study’: exploring the educational barriers facing adolescents in Cox’s Bazar

    Briefing/policy paper

  11. Age- and gender-based violence risks facing Rohingya and Bangladeshi adolescents in Cox’s Bazar

    Briefing/policy paper

  12. The Rohingya response in Bangladesh and the Global Compact on Refugees: lessons, challenges and opportunities

    Working paper

  13. Migrant key workers: time to act


  14. An ode to key workers


  15. Learning the lessons from the EU–Turkey deal: Europe’s renewed test


  16. Strengthening coordinated education planning and response in crises: Democratic Republic of the Congo case study

    Research report

  17. Strengthening coordinated education planning and response in crises: synthesis report

    Research report

  18. The gendered dynamics of trafficking in persons across Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand

    Research report

  19. Public narratives and attitudes towards refugees and other migrants: US country profile

    Case/country study

  20. What drives reform? A political economy analysis of migration policy in Morocco

    Research report