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Marcus Manuel

Senior Research Associate

  • Development and Public Finance
Portrait of Marcus Manuel

Marcus Manuel is a Senior Research Associate for ODI. His current research is on financing access to justice in lower-income countries. Previous research has included addressing extreme poverty and financing development in fragile states and at sub-national level.

Marcus Manuel's former ODI roles include the founding Director of the Budget Strengthening Initiative (BSI), the BSI country director for South Sudan and the Head of Centre of Aid and Public Expenditure (CAPE).

Prior to joining ODI, Marcus held a number of senior management roles within the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) from 2002 to 2010 with responsibilities for staff and programmes in Africa and Asia. His final role was Director Pan Africa Strategy and Programmes, one of the three directors responsible for managing DFID’s programmes in Africa with focus on Africa wide strategies; institutions and issues, including climate change, regional trade; conflict prevention and humanitarian support.

Before working at DFID, Marcus worked at HM Treasury, starting as an economic adviser in 1991. His final role was head of the newly created department responsible for advice on all aspects of international development (including DFID expenditure, debt policy and creation of the International Financing Facility). Between 1996–2000, Marcus was seconded from HM Treasury to work as the Senior Adviser in the Ugandan Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

  1. Financing human development and the ending of extreme poverty in Africa

    Briefing/policy paper

  2. Five priorities for the new World Bank president


  3. Investment in human capital is not reaching the poorest people


  4. Subnational investment in human capital

    Research report

  5. Universal access to basic justice: costing Sustainable Development Goal 16.3

    Working paper

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