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Unlocking progress on REDD+: sector coordination in Uganda

Research reports

Written by Will McFarland

Research reports

While there has been both global and national progress on REDD+, it is clear that delivering REDD+ effectively requires major institutional and policy changes. Finance and the political interest in REDD+ can act as catalysts to stimulate this, provided there is an explicit focus on these challenges.

One area attracting attention in international discourse on REDD+ is the need to address the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation. This requires cross-sectoral coordination at all levels of government to tackle the different pressures on forests from, for example, mining, agriculture, construction and energy interests.

This background uses the case study of Uganda to analyses how key political economy features affect sector coordintation and draws conclusions relevant to Uganda and highlights wider implications from the Uganda case. It identifies a range of barriers to better coordination and begins to highlight windows of progress that are within the influence of actors interested in REDD+.

Emily Brickell, Will McFarland and David M. Mwayafu