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Humanitarian trends and trajectories to 2030: Europe and others group

Working papers

Written by Katie Peters, Veronique Barbelet, Elizabeth Carabine, Alice Caravani, Sharada Keats, Steve Wiggins, Christina Bennett

Working papers

​The ‘Europe and others’ grouping for the WHS regional consultation comprises mostly high and upper middle income countries, many of which have conspicuous roles as providers of humanitarian aid to other regions. However, countries in the grouping face many risks and are not immune from actual disasters.

By virtue of solid investment in risk management and civil protection, plus strong regional cooperation and generally low rates of poverty, the humanitarian effects of such disasters are often quickly alleviated. Nonetheless, risks are both mounting and changing, as climate change, mixed migration, and other phenomena progress.

Also, the humanitarian effects of conflict have been no easier to address in this region than elsewhere. This paper illuminates some of the region’s key characteristics and trends in risks, humanitarian needs and their causes, in order to enrich discussions at the regional consultation and understand better how this region of international aid providers manages risks closer to home.

Katie Peters, Mirianna Budimir and Veronique Barbelet, with contributions from Eleanor Bayley (International Alert), Scarlett Sturridge, Christina Bennett, Elizabeth Carabine, Alice Caravani, Dan Sparks, Steve Wiggins and Sharada Keats