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European and international financial institutions: climate related standards and measures for assessing investments in infrastructure projects

Research report

Written by Shelagh Whitley, Alice Caravani

Research report

This review provides a clearer picture of the current situation regarding the mainstreaming of climate change into the investment activities of public financial institutions, such as multilateral development banks (e.g. the European Investment Bank) and the main bilateral financial institutions. It has a focus on activities conducted by European financial institutions, and activities on climate change both within Europe and outside Europe. 

The project reviewed how financial institutions are including climate change considerations in their investment portfolios, including (but not limited to) activities that would be considered climate finance under the UNFCCC. A key part of the study was to review whether climate change is mainstreamed in their sectoral strategies, such as clean energy and transport.  

  • European and International Financial Institutions: Climate related standards and measures for assessing investments in infrastructure projects

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Adarsh Varma, Shelagh Whitley, Sonja Schmid, Emily Le-Cornu, Chris Dodwell, Emelia Holdaway, Rainer Agster, Dave Steinbach, and Alice Caravani