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Rethinking Good Governance: What can the forestry sector tell us?

Time (GMT +01) 07:30 10:45


Jim Douglas - Senior Forestry Adviser at the World Bank

Roger Wilson - Chief Governance Adviser at the Department for International Development (DFID)

Jeff Sayer - recently retired as foundation Director-General of the Centre for International Forestry (CIFOR), and now Senior Adviser with WWF International

Richard Tarasofsky - Senior Fellow, Ecologic - Institute for International and European Environmental Policy, Berlin.


Andrew Bennett -  Chief Natural Resources Adviser, DFID.


The Monterrey Conference on Financing for Development has reaffirmed the importance of ‘good governance’ for sustainable development and poverty alleviation. But moving the governance agenda forward poses many challenges. How can good governance be reconciled with national ownership and partnerships, and the move from conditionalities to positive incentives for change?

The experience of the tropical forest sector has much to offer us here. Perhaps more than any other, the forest sector has long struggled with a range of practical governance issues. The seminar will ask what lessons we can learn from this pioneering experience with governance reform, and will explore the implications for donors and aid agencies seeking to promote democratic development and pro-poor change.

1 Great George Street, Westminster