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Gonzalo Fanjul

Research Associate

  • ODI Europe
Portrait of Gonzalo Fanjul

Gonzalo Fanjul is a researcher and activist focused on poverty and inequality. In the last decade he has been actively involved in research and policy initiatives related to global migration, with a particular interest on the alternatives to the current regime. His work and publications in this area includes collaborations with Lant Pritchett, the Center for Global Development, Oxfam, Real Instituto Elcano, Save the Children UK or ODI, as well as leading in porCausa an ambitious investigative journalism project in Latin America and Europe.

Originally trained as an economist, he later completed studies on poverty and international development and holds an MC/MPA from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. He’s been Oxfam Spain's Research Director and Senior Advisor for over a decade, playing a strategic role in Oxfam International's global campaigns. Since then, he co-leads the research & journalism project porCausa, is Policy Director of the Institute of Global Health of Barcelona (ISGlobal) and advises international NGOs and organizations on issues like migration, child poverty and food security. Regular contributor to newspapers and public media, he is the author of the FAO awarded blog of El País 3.500 Millones.

  1. 300,000 new jobs if western Africa invests in fisheries industry – new report

    Press Release

  2. Five reasons why the EU’s ‘Marshall Plan’ against migration is a bad idea
