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Where next for feminist foreign policy on funding feminist movements?

Briefing/policy paper

Written by Ján Michalko, Emilie Tant

Image credit:Feminist movements march through the streets of Bogotá on International Women’s Day in Colombia. 8 March, 2021 Credit: Laura Olejua / Shutterstock.com
"If women’s rights movements with a feminist vision of social justice can do so much with so little, isn’t it time for progressive foreign policy to get behind the feminist agenda in a more significant and sustained way?"
Srilatha Batliwala, ODI Roundtable 2023

This policy brief explores how governments with feminist foreign policy can more effectively resource feminist movements.

While feminist movements have been instrumental in shifting norms and securing a broad array of social, legal and civil rights for more than a century, insufficient funding of feminist and women’s rights organisations persists. At the same time, evidence shows that anti-gender networks are being exceptionally well-financed by those who benefit from the status quo.

Drawing on new thinking and insights from ODI's roundtable series, this policy brief outlines three critical pathways FFP governments should consider when thinking about how to fund feminist movements.

By influencing international development financing for gender equality, stepping up commitments to support feminist movements, and advocating for fiscal policies that significantly address gender inequalities around the world – FFP governments can be the much needed allies putting the promise of feminist policy into practice.

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