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Marta Foresti

Visiting Senior Fellow

Portrait of Marta Foresti

Marta served as Managing Director at ODI and most recently was the founding Executive Director of ODI Europe. She also established and led our Human Mobility Initiative, managing the institute's engagement on migration at global, regional and local levels. She is currently Visiting Senior Fellow at ODI.

Marta is the founder of the social enterprise LAGO ltd., Senior Adviser at the Moleskine Foundation and Visiting Senior Fellow at the London School of Economics and at Birmingham University. Her interests include the political economy of development and reform, migration and human mobility, urban development, the future of cities, data and design.

Prior to joining ODI, Marta worked as a Senior Policy Adviser at the Italian Ministry of Finance where she advised the ministerial team on local development policies and programmes. She has over 20 years of research, policy formulation and delivery, as well as management experience and has an interest in applied social research methodologies and policy evaluation. She holds a master degrees in logic and philosophy of science from the London School of Economics and from Milan State University.

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